Nadia. Every time! I read your letters, and I want to say so much. But it leaves such an impression that quiet reflection is the most I can give. This Nadia was a movie. We are all the main characters. I saw myself in every frame. I am excited for you. For everyone quietly dreaming of something better. Let’s go!

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Thank you for being here Joel. For reading along and cheering on. I am so happy you found yourself in the words. That means a lot. 🙏🏼❤️

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I enjoyed reading your inner transformation…I’m really curious as to what steps you’re taking towards a new way of living in community…I’m searching for it too. Thanks for sharing with us! 😊

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Thank you for sharing the love! 🙏🏼 I will share more when I feel ready and more settled. xx

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I feel really challenged by this. I will sit with this for a while. Thank you for writing it. Such important words, and beautifully articulated as always.

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Thank you for letting yourself be challenged ❤️

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Thank you for your words, they echo so much of my inner musings and pulls. So well articulated.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one! I wondered how this would land with people....thank you for telling me 🙏🏼

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I think you’ve given words to how so so many people are feeling (I’ve forwarded this to a few). You’ve illuminated many of the challenges we are living within under this structure - we don’t live in a vacuum & we so need the community you’ve envisioned in your writing, so please keep on doing it!

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I love this and I love you. My life is so much better because you are my friend and I am excited about celebrating letting go of shit we just don’t need and making something better.

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I am so excited and grateful to know people like you who want to build a different life together.

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"This is the beauty of growing with life.

You have no idea of the versions of you that await. The versions that are possible." - this bit really was beautiful! What a fabulous read Nadia - really, really well written! 😄

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Thank you for being here Athira! I am so glad this resonates! I wasn't sure if it would! 😄

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Very curious to see where your journey takes you, and happy to be along for the ride! Danke, dass du deinen Wandel und Werden so offen mit uns teilst 💞 xx Johanna

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Thank you for being here and sharing this space with me Hanna ❤️

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The splitting open. The snake skin. New versions we didn’t know existed. I love this!

I was sold the girl boss dream for a long time and thought getting rich would allow me to help more people- but I burned out chasing it and ironically went broke, and realized- this isn’t it. I’m back to basics with my declutter business, realizing just how culty the new age magical thinking had become. I no longer subscribe to the law of attraction and can’t believe I ever did, but I did.

I got engaged a few months ago and everyone wants to see the ring right away. But it’s a simple band for now, what he could afford, and soon enough he’ll get a sparkly gem ring to go with it. I’ve been having to decipher how much I really want that for myself vs having something to show people, to prove I belong or fit in- what turns out to be an odd, traditional, capitalistic matrix.

Lots to process, thank you for this!

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Thank you for being here Ashley and for sharing your thoughts openly ❤️ it's so crucial that we face ourselves, our choices and motivations and make brave and honest choices. Or else nothing will change. I applaud you for it! Thank you!

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the picture attached to this captures the entire piece in it. That stare outside of the window is one of wonder and wander.

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Looking ahead. Between hope and desperation 🫠

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Nadia. Profound. Perfect. An insightful and inspiring post, full of truth and beauty. I stumbled across "They want us to be peaceful while they only speak war" a couple of hours ago - and was totally blown away. It was truly incredible. I'm glad that I've discovered your writing - I'm thirsty for more.

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Hi Leon! Thank you for being here, I'm so honoured! ❤️

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