I love this 🙏🏻🥰

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Hey Nadia.

This is good writing I must admit but what's art without having varying opinions concerning it? I'd share with you my opinion and what I might tell my daughter if I had one.

What happens to your daughter if she doesn’t trust herself anymore? What happens if, after all, you’ve taught her, she supposedly has trust in herself but still second-guesses her every move?

From experience, trust in myself never gave me courage, trust in God was what gave me courage. Although I agree with the statement “ I won't tell her to be brave or to have faith in a god” Why tell her to have faith in a god when I can show her God or help her find God through his words?

In all, I must commend your literary skills. Maybe you'd be able to see things via my lens and God’s lens.💙

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"make her way

without second guessing every step

without asking a god for permission"

Love these lines Nadia. What a great piece. I have also been writing to my imaginary daughter - so this piece really stood out to me. Thank you!

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